Thursday, May 8, 2014

PSA: Dogs and Plants

This is my dog:

He is a full bred Scottish Terrier. Recently, he came running into our house from a brief potty adventure in the backyard, and he came in covered in about a dozen dried out foxtails:

 As a result, I went outside and weeded for 30 minutes (I did awesome). The rest of my foxtails are behind a gate until I can get to them because they are dangerous for dogs.

Now, that's not the only reason why I am posting. I recently read a sad story about a dog owner who had a toxic plant in their backyard, but they had no idea. Their dog would nip at the leaves, which they were unaware of, and the dog died of liver damage from the toxicity of ingesting the plant.

So here is a website with a list of toxic and non-toxic list of plants so you can make sure your backyard is dog or cat safe!

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