Monday, August 19, 2013

The Everything Woman Blog

First posts are generally introductory, as is this one. When thinking of a blog name, my first inclination was to call it, "not just another mom blog," but given more thought, I decided I did not want to limit myself to the mom title, because every woman, even if a mother, is always more than a mother. She always started out as a daughter, a granddaughter, a niece, a friend, a lover, sometimes a wife, and sometimes a mother, and sometimes in there there's an occupation, there's being a student. Every person wears a lot of hats in their lifetime, so why limit myself to claiming to be not just another mom blog? I am a woman first and many different things come after that and because of that. So this is for moms, for students, for grandmas, for friends. This is for any woman and every woman. These are my life hacks and my experiences for anyone who wants to know. :)

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