Wednesday, September 4, 2013

So behind-- how will I ever catch up?

As the title implies, I am feeling doubtful about my ability to consistently scrapbook and "catch up." That's okay though, at least, I know I'll never run out of things to do for this hobby, and if I stick to my netflix while scrapbooking rule, it will definitely help!

Currently I have books for 2011 and 2012 started, and school year books for my step-son. It's basically a mess, and I feel unorganized and overwhelmed a lot. But I FINALLY got a little timeline going of all my pictures for 2011. So there's an end in site for that book. Any tips on catching up?

Here's how thick it is so far. I am thinking I will need to break it up into two books.
Album shot

I love using the Creative Memories products, but I am pretty disappointed with them going bankrupt, and as anyone who loves CM knows, we have no idea what the future really holds for them or their products. So once I finish my supplies up, I will be on the market for new ones! Any suggestions on albums?

Here are a few pictures of some of my favorite layouts from my 2011 album (from what's done of it):

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