Thursday, September 19, 2013

Thankful Thursday

My projects are going quite slowly right now, and I've been so busy that I haven't had time to think out any extremely interesting posts. But I decided that in the middle of a busy week, it'd be a good idea to focus on all the positives instead of thinking about the overwhelming amount of things I have to do.

It's easy to get wrapped up into the day to day and the routines without pausing to think about all there is to be thankful for in our lives.  I've been looking at what I feel I am missing instead of examining and appreciating all that I have.

I thought about making a list, but that seemed a bit boring and a bit obvious (family, friends, etc). A list, however, will still make it into this post, but I've decided to go into each room in my house and list a product that makes my life a little bit easier. I am truly thankful for things that make my life easier.

7 Items for 7 Room in my House that make my life easier:

Bedroom: Touch lamps (Not exact model/style)
I know it's not hard to turn on and off a light, but when I stumble out of bed in the middle of the night to use the rest room, it's nice to not have to fumble. I can just touch my light and find my way!

Son's room: Drapery Holdbacks (No need for screws or hardware!)
These are amazing. We did not want to have to install holdbacks for his room due to the framing of the windows that already existed when we purchased the house, and these holdbacks are magnetic and work perfectly!

Spare room: The Cricut
The spare room houses my scrapbooking supplies, stuff for the cat, and a desk for my husband. So I had limited choices, but the cricut is one of my favorite scrapbooking supplies. So many different fonts, endless choice of colors because it's cuts your own paper, and a variety of sizes!

Bathroom: Scentsy (I am not a consultant, but I had to go through one for a link!)
I had a hard time deciding what in my bathroom I am thankful for, but I decided it would be the thing that makes the bathroom smell better! I love my little scentsy.   Life is easier when things smell good, especially when you only have one bathroom in the house!

Kitchen: Sunbeam Mixer (mine is much older)
So many options in this room! But I had to go with my upright mixer since I bake a lot.

Dining Room: Vinyl Seats
When we bought our dining set, we had a hard time finding a set we liked that didn't have fabric on the chairs. So finally, we found a set in the right color with vinyl cushions, which works out great! It's nice and easy to clean, which is important since kids somehow spill 80% of the time.
Since the theme was what makes my life easier

Living Room: Netflix
It's like having TV without paying for cable. Sometimes I will watch a movie on netflix instead of putting in the DVD because it really is that much easier. ;)

I hope you enjoyed my spin on things I am thankful for, and in case anyone doubts it, I am most thankful for my family, friends, and pets! :)

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