Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Time Management 101

Now that fall is upon us, Netflix is getting all the latest seasons of a ton of shows that I just happen to watch. This year, however, rather than plopping myself in front of the television to indulge in all my favorite fictional characters' lives, I've decided to make sure I am scrapbooking while watching anything.

It's hard to budget time for all the different things I love to do. I think many folks can relate. Never enough time, but plenty of different things to do to fill the time. At the beginning of the week, I like to sit down and journal and think of a few different, realistic goals to set for myself. Last week, I wanted to calorie count three days of the week and exercise 3-4 times, scrapbook once, and journal three times. I journaled, I exercised, I calorie counted 2/3, and I never scrapbooked. But the scrapbooking one is okay because I ended up finishing a good book (another thing I wanted to do!). I am not beating myself up about missing that other day of calorie counting either because I was sick and taking care of my body was number one priority.

This week my exercise goal is increasing since I met last weeks to 4-5 times. Seeing as it's Tuesday, and I haven't hit the gym yet, I am thinking that 4 times will probably be what happens. Calorie counting is still three days since I did NOT reach my goal, and scrapbooking I did yesterday, but I'd like to do it one more time. My problem comes in with how I'd also like to play Minecraft, Animal Crossing ( I play it with my son), and read more! But sometimes I just have to pick and choose what I want to do the most when it comes to hobby.

Also, there are always a few BIG cleaning projects I like to tackle each week, that I don't necessarily do every single week for example, washing bed sheets, scrubbing floors, dusting ceiling fans, etc. So I like to throw one or two of those into the mix.

And let's not forget to mention, when it comes to being a mom, an employee, a wife, a daughter, a housekeeper, a chef, and any other hat you wear, there are always per-arranged appointments coming up.. taking the dog to the vet, going to dinner with friends or family. But, I find that managing my time at the beginning of the week, ends up cutting down on a lot of stress of life, and I become creative with how I use my time, and I try to listen to what I need. I end up tackling the things I don't want to do (laundry, dishes, chores in general) and making sure I have the time to do what is going to make me feel good (journaling, scrapbooking, reading, playing a game with friends, etc.).

So figure out what you need to do, what your appointments are for the week, and fill in the blanks with what makes you feel good! :)

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